up:: Grad School Search tags:: #gradsearch/program url:: https://socialwork.uw.edu/academic-programs/msw/master-of-social-work-program application:: https://webapps.grad.uw.edu/applForAdmiss

Personal Statement

The required personal statement portion is an important component of your application package. We are interested in learning more about you and your educational goals, how your unique identities, perspectives, and experiences have influenced your decision to attain a Master of Social Work degree, and how you would contribute to the UW School of Social Work learning community. We would like you to share your active commitment to social work values and practice, and demonstrate critical thinking and self-awareness related to professional social work. Feel free to tell your “story” in a reflective, creative, and expressive style.

Format: Statements should be double-spaced with 1-inch margins for standard-sized (8.5” x 11”) documents, using 12-point font (either Times New Roman or Calibri). 

Part 1: Personal Statement

The MSW Program at the University of Washington School of Social Work is grounded in our commitment to racial, economic, gender, and social justice informed by and for those at the social margins of our local, national, and global communities. Reflecting on the UWSSW’s MSW Program Statement of Purpose, in 2 - 3 pages share:

Part 2: Critical Reflection on Anti-Oppressive Practice

Every day we see manifestations of structural oppression. Given our current reality and historical roots we recognize that centering actions to end white supremacy and racism is necessary to achieve equity and justice for all socially marginalized groups. We are seeking students who want to join us in the SSW learning community as we wrestle with complex social problems, and who understand that we must work together to end oppression in all its forms. As such, please critically reflect on the following questions and respond in no more than two (2) pages:

  1. Why does structural oppression exist? How has your understanding of this evolved over time?
  2. Why do you think it’s important to employ anti-racist practices and principles in social work? Give an example of a structural, institutional, or societal level change that social workers can advocate for that addresses systemic racism and white supremacy.

Part 3: Advanced Standing Specialization Rationale (ONLY applies to Advanced Standing applicants)

Please restate your first choice specialization and provide reasoning for your selection. How might specializing in this area help you to achieve your social work career goals? If you identified a second choice option, please briefly describe why you might also consider specializing in this area. This section should be less than 1 page.